LunatiK Racing and INDY Autosport form partnership.

Posted by Collin McKenzie June 7, 2021 in AnnoucementsPartnership

LunatiK Racing a sim racing team backed by LunatiK_Esports has partnered up with premier sim racing community Indy Autosport. This partnership will be based on the grounds of helping each other grow in the sim racing world. Indy Autosport already has a foothold on competitive sim racing and are willing to help LunatiK Racing fast track itself in the sim racing world. Indy Autosport has worldwide talent that are already competing at some of the highest levels of competitive sim racing. With this knowledge and the experience from LunatiK Esports this partnership should help both teams achieve their goals. We look forward to working with Indy Autosport to take over the sim racing world.